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Chapter 32 - Duel and Contract

第三十二话 决斗与契约

The pine tree stood tall, surrounded by thick fog.

Kagami Lily and Nanako ---who were wearing a purple-colored kimono and a pink-colored mini skirt kimono respectively--- were facing off each other. The distance between them was merely 10 meters.

“Eee-yaah---!” Nanako suddenly let out a cute and spirited cry as she charged towards Lily while cutting through the wind. Her speed was extremely fast, much faster than most samurais at the same level!

However, after Lily’s body had been strengthened twofold by the blue and crimson-colored Spirit Power, her dynamic visual acuity was on a whole nother level. She was able to see all of Nanako’s actions very clearly.

If she used her 800 odd kwan of penetration force, she would be able to send Nanako’s sword flying at once. However, that was just going overboard. Lily also wanted to pit her skills against a well-trained martial artist like Nanako. All the opponents she had faced in the past were all the brute-type after all.

Therefore, Lily planned to deal with Nanako with only the light-blue Spirit Power.

Nanako’s weapons had short reach but they were fast. Therefore, she needed to get into close combat. By the time she got in front of Lily, she kicked the ground and took a sudden leap. The kodachi in her right hand slashed at Lily along with the momentum of the rotation.

Although one could take advantage of the momentum in midair to increase their power, it also came with the disadvantage that they were unable to change their position!

Lily made use of her katana’s length to perform a quick horizontal slash at Nanako.

“Clang!” Nanako’s kodachi turned as though it had a mind of its own and deflected Lily’s Seiwa Tamashi. And the shiny gauntlet on her other hand was quickly approaching Lily’s face!

Lily suddenly realized something. Her kodachi was so short because it wasn’t really used for attacking but defending instead. After getting past the opponent’s sword with her kodachi, she would deliver a blow with karate techniques. That was the true nature of Nanako’s fighting style!

Lily’s footwork was also quite peculiar as she took a few steps back to get out of Nanako’s attack range in an instant.

“Tsk! How can you be so nimble with such a big ⓣⓘⓣⓢ!” Nanako gave chase immediately after her feet touched the ground and quickly slashed at Lily with the kodachi.

In spite of that, Lily easily dodged to the side and avoided Nanako’s kodachi.

“What?!” Nanako never expected Lily to be so good at dodging! That was all thanks to senior sister’s athletic body and Lily’s ethereal footwork.

Nanako stamped on the ground with one foot to turn her body around. Then she slashed at Lily once more.

Lily blocked the slash naturally with the tip of Seiwa Tamashi. Her moves were as smooth as the moving clouds and flowing water, it was graceful and unconstrained.

‘Th- this woman!’ Nanako exclaimed in her head, ‘actually blocked my attack with such an irregular and laid-back move. Her sword-play is mediocre at best, but those seemingly straightforward moves are extremely effective! This big sister… is very talented!’

It was already a lost cause for Nanako to compete with Lily in femininity, so she absolutely didn’t want to lose against her when it comes to talent. The rage in her heart was burning stronger than ever.

She seized the opportunity to squat down and pushed her gauntlet on the ground, then she launched a low kick at Lily while sticking close to the ground. Nanako’s fighting style made full use of her sword, fists, and legs.

A small dagger suddenly ejected from her wooden sandal.

That was also quite unexpected for Lily.

She held the katana with one hand and grabbed Nanako’s bare leg with the other. Coated in Spirit Power, her arm strength could reach up to 400 kwan of force, that was also to say: 1200 kilograms force. Her arms might look slender, but they possessed enough force to easily flung Nanako away.

Nanako was in a somewhat awkward position in the sky. She managed to turn around with much difficulty, but it was still too late as her butt had already touched the ground and fell onto the meadow.

She jumped up with a somersault and her face was clearly tinged with anger!

“Stupid big-breasted woman!” Nanako dashed forward and launched consecutive attacks in agitation, but Lily simply dodged or deflected her attacks. She was practically using Nanako to hone her dodging and blocking skills.

Nanako’s stamina and Spirit Power were exhausted quickly due to her consecutive high-speed attacks. She quickly became worn out and started to gasp for breath. As for Lily, she had only been dodging passively, and with very little movements. In addition to that, she had a huge advantage in blocking due to her height. All these ordeals were just like a stroll in the park for her.

“N- no way… how can this be!” Nanako gradually became more impatient, “This woman... why is her footwork so good? Why does she look so graceful even while dodging? Moreover, s- she is taller than me and has such big breasts, but her speed is actually faster than me!”

Nanako was very unwilling to accept that her speed and dexterity also fell short of this big breasted woman. This was a huge hit to her confidence.

After the frenzied attacks, Nanako pulled some distance from Lily. She was gasping for air, with her hands on her knees. Fragrant sweats could be seen forming on her forehead.

And as for Lily? She was standing there while brushing her hair, looking very relaxed.

“Stupid woman… y- you better take it more seriously! The next move could possibly take your life!” yelled Nanako in a fit of anger.

“Oh my, am I not taking this seriously?” Lily smiled sweetly.

‘Hmph, she obviously has that indifferent look on her face!’ thought Nanako, but she was actually anxious about the outcome of the battle. She didn’t expect Lily to gain the upper hand with her outstanding physical ability despite having mediocre level sword skills.

She already lost to this big sister when it came to the size of their breasts, but she didn’t expect to lose to her in power and speed as well. In front of Lily, Nanako was just like a little chick.

‘She… this big sister is so strong.’

Nanako’s eyes became cloudy as her mind was enveloped by a hazy-feeling.

‘If I lose to big sister Lily, I will become her slave…’

‘She is so strong, there's no way I can beat her. I lost to her in every aspect. In that case… doesn’t that mean big sister meant to be the master?’

For the first time in Nanako’s life, everything she knew about herself had come crumbling down.

‘No! Not good!’

‘Hmph! As long as my last finishing blow can hit her, I can turn this whole situation around!’

Nanako fired herself up!

‘As long as I can beat this woman, then this big sister who is stronger than me in every aspect will become my slave!

I can ride on this proud and girly big sister like a horse! That would be so fascinating!

Hmph, although she is strong, she still lacks experience. She definitely won’t be able to see through this move! Even if I don’t have as much power as her, it’s my win if I can connect the hits! Then she will be mine! I can do anything I want to her!

I’ll bet everything on this move! I can win this!’

The atmosphere around Nanako became heavier as light blue Spirit Power materialized around her body.

Lily also had a serious look on her face. She warned herself not to look down on the ancient martial skills that had been passed down for several hundreds of generation! She could be defeated in one fell swoop despite her dominance in battle!

Lily pulled out the scabbard from her waist and changed the way she held the sword. After sheathing the sword, she lowered her body and got into an iaijutsu stance.

“Iaijutsu?” Nanako was startled and thought to herself, ‘Hah, although she can hide her flaws and prevent others from predicting her next move with this, I have nothing to fear with this move of mine! Kagami Lily, be prepared to lose!’

“Hah!” shouted Nanako as the all the Spirit Power she accumulated burst out. With a sharp incline in speed, Nanako got in front of Lily with a strong wind following her trail. Victory or defeat would be decided in an instant!

When Nanako entered Lily’s sword range, she drew the katana.

“Clang!” However, Nanako’s kodachi was faster and hit the blade which Lily barely pulled out. She offset the blade and prevented Lily from drawing her sword.

“You lose!” Nanako was sure of her victory.

The gauntlet on Nanako’s other hand was her true finishing move as they carried all of her remaining Spirit Power. The light blue Spirit Power formed a spiral vortex on the gauntlet as she lifted it to launch the decisive move on Lily.


Rather than drawing the sword, Lily used the offset blade to push Nanako’s kodachi to one side. That action caused Nanako’s body to lose balance and affected the flow of her punch. At the same time, her left hand used the scabbard to hit Nanako’s rib.

Nanako was sent flying away by the scabbard and the kodachi had been knocked to the ground by Lily.

“Crish-crash,” After Nanako’s body flew for several meters, she crashed powerlessly onto the spongy ground and fainted.

It might have been a short while or perhaps several minutes had already elapsed.

Nanako finally got up unsteadily. What immediately entered her line of sight was the pine needles and pine cones. And beside her, she could see Lily’s purple kimono and her bare legs.

“......” Nanako wanted to get up, but she found that to be an impossible task. Her hands seemed to be bound by some kind of rope and her body seemed to be lying on Lily’s soft thigh.

“What are you doing?!” Nanako realized what a shameful position she was in and her face turned red instantly. She twisted her body to struggle, “Big breasted woman! What are you planning to do?! Let me go, release me!”

However, Nanako found to her dismay that her hands and waist had been pressed down firmly by Lily single-handedly. She was unable to break free at all!

“Kagami Lily, what do you think you’re doing?! You actually dare to tie me up?! Release me! I order you to let me go at once! You big-breasted, Herculean woman! Female monster! Fox-spirit!” Nanako kept wriggling her cute little body. Her legs flapped in disorder and cursing remarks kept leaving from her mouth.

Being called a monster was Lily’s most recent concern. She originally planned to give her some face since she was a girl, but since she scolded Lily like that, anger was welling up in her heart. She made up her mind and lifted Nanako’s short skirt, then from her bosom, she took out a black ruler borrowed from the granny.

All of these were carried out at one go, with no prior indication of it at all. Nanako was dumbfounded.

Nanako only felt a chilly sensation on her rear.


The big sister’s ruler hit Nanako’s butt with no mercy.

Nanako was completely stupefied.

After she had grown up, not even her mother Yomika had hit her once. And today, under the board daylight, not only did she lose to this woman, she was even pressed onto this big sister’s thigh and got spanked like a child.

Nanako was undoubtedly furious and ashamed, “You actually dare to hit me?! I- I am but the young lady of the Saikanji house!”

“I am hitting you precisely because you are an unruly young lady with a lack of discipline!”

Lily’s voice was elegant but stern and merciless all the same.

“Slap! Slap! Slap!”


The moon rose to the sky and darkness overruled the light.

Nanako had flushed cheeks with tears in her eyes. She covered her butt with one of her hands.

“Kagami Lily… y- you dare to hit my butt. Did you know it is a capital offense to shame and mistreat a nobility?!” Nanako was prostrating in front of Lily, but she still glowered at Lily and said with a sobbing tone.

Lily on the other hand just crossed her legs and said complacently, “Hmm? Nobility? Don’t forget that you are my slave now. What crime did I commit when I’m just punishing my slave?”

“T- that’s…” Nanako panicked and was at a loss for words.

“What’s that? Miss Nanako, could it be that the young lady of the historical Saikanji house won’t keep her word?”

“You… shut up! I- I am Nanako of the Saikanji house, as a samurai, I… I will keep my promise!” Although Nanako’s face was filled with reluctance and shame, she couldn’t break the samurai code and her family’s honor.

With a slightly cunning smile on her face, Lily said, “Then what are you hesitating for? Take it out yourself and sign it.”



This is getting good lol..XD


ooh indeed, Nanako getting spanked was golden, but her secretly longing for Lily even more so, especially when she was busted by Sakura. xD

Sean Robbins

why a ruler!?!??!?!?!?!? it would of been sexier if she used her hand to spank her bare bottom!!!