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I think I'm still trying to figure out the composition of the first half of the page.

But anyway - here's another partial snout tf. We're still far from done here and we will see the snout tf continue again down the line...

This page had me wrecked with second guessing. I know the snout tf is something very sacred to the tf so I became very afraid that I was missing the mark or making something that wasn't true to my vision. I almost scrapped the page but, honestly, I didn't only because I knew I had Patreon obligations to adhere to. I'm glad that I kept with it as I am generally happy with the product overall.




Oh boy, here comes that muzzle. There is something sinister though to the thought of him forgetting his name. That’s some bad fae shit right there.


Sometimes you just have to risk it! Also poor Curtis, snouts are never fun to TF, so many bones and teeth... I still wanna give him hugs and stuff. Even if I don't think it'd end well XD

Walter Claud

I get the feeling your time talking is over Curtis.




What a muzzle! 🥴About that fact that he forgot his name, does it mean that his mind is continuing to become feral or is it wisp's influence and he lost his ability to speak?


Me: Oh damn... losing your 'self' as you change? That... that's actually terrifying. Also Me: Oh damn... this is hella hot and... snout growth? Yes yus. :D

K The Shy Kat

That’s one hell of a painful snout TF


Being lucid enough to recognize your own inevitable identity death is really grim stuff, for sure. There's nothing you can do to stop it.


I think he might still be huggable. Just make it quick he just lost a big chunk of his humanity.


Step 1: give the big wolf a nice steak and doggie treats step 2: pet the nice wolf step 3: we... might see how the night goes. Does he still pass the harkness test?


I think he's still got a few more words in him. At least I hope so... I enjoy when our subject can share their thoughts about becoming something else. So far in, this is the best part!


The wisp isn't doing anything to him right now. It's just all a part of the curse. He's devolving into a feral beast. Feral beasts don't really use names.


So now he can't speak, right? Only ROAR and RAAW? 😸


This is so fucking good, holy shit. The hesitation, the devolving mind, the excruciating pain of the muzzle pop. Perfect. I assume his voice is getting a lot deeper as well?


Yes. The next time he speaks will need a new font to indicate a change has progressed in his voice.


By the way I'm very curious about his mind: so from that moment doesn't he know his name? Did his mind become more feral? It would be funny if in the next parts his sentences become more and more simple

Tom S

Wow, just wow! The detail is amazing like down to how there's a feral glint in his eyes in the last frame


Man you're too hard on yourself! This page is fantastic!! Amazing attention to detail


I have considered that but haven't decided on the execution yet since this comic isn't scripted (again oops) but yes this was something around what I was thinking. However less tarzan-like and more toddler-like vocabulary.

The Wolfe Writer

Dude! You really shouldn't be second guessing yourself! Your work is awesome and simply amazing! Everything I have seen you put out over the time I have been following you on FA, Discord, and here has all been great stuff! You definitely know your TF and always try to not let us TF fans down... since you are one yourself. This major fact definitely impacts your work and since you know what TF fans like, being one yourself, you always hit the mark for the best TF content out there! I applaud you sir and I can reasonably assume everyone that follows you does as well!


I appreciate the kind words. I gotta come to terms that being hard on myself probably helps me to make the best product I can for you guys!

The Wolfe Writer

Yeah... as a fellow creative, I'm super, super hard on myself... to the point I've driven myself to no longer really even try to make much of anything anymore. I've tried to get lockstep over many years and never getting anywhere had let much broken my spirit. Plus seeing all these damn rich people getting their trash published like the wind blowing a leaf from the ground REALLY gets to me.

Walter Claud

I've been looking at the muzzle forming and it looks like Curtis's neck is shifting forward as well. Is he starting to go quadrepedic?


Not yet. Hes gonna go anthro bear/werebear form before he goes down on all fours for good.


Identity/Intelligence loss isn't as fun as coping with instincts, compromising rationality to survive, imo