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EDIT Feb 17: it's done. gonna sleep on it.

I had to make all of my own anatomy on this one and the poses are hard :(.  need to make that a selling point. I'll call it 'artisan anatomy' or something idk. It's not a bug it's a feature!




It's not a bug either dork, your literally making your own interpretation of a mythical creature based around a character you made stop being so critical of yourself dude!

Tom S

He getting big!

Tom S

I was wondering if that’s why he had that facial expression


Don't worry, Curtis, soon your animal instincts will awaken, and your suffering will end >:)


It interesting to see a werewolf transformation luxuriate in such an intermediate state. His body has changed so much, but his face is still very human.


Theory: the pain is actually from those bandaids pulling his hairs. Those fuckers refuse to fall off!


Damn there goes the surprise twist ending. I guess I'm gonna have to do something else with the ending...

Captain HD

Love it would be nice to see his feet grow bigger and him getting more fur and a tail. Looking forward at this project^^