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This page was one of the hardest pages I've had to deal with so far. The poses with him on the ground proved to be very difficult for me to find references for, let alone alter the anatomy to make it more fitting for Curtis' growing body. Special thanks to one of my friends for his willingness to pose for me and be my model. Without him, I worry this page would have taken even longer to finish.




Hairs on the palms and pads! It's time for pawwws! Damn, man this page is amazing.. Those hands could not have been easy to get this great and with these poses you can almost feel the pain coursing through his body. Well done again!


The detail is just so damn good. Do you draw each hair individually or do you use some kind of brush?


Theyre all hand drawn. I'm afraid a brush isn't quite going to follow the proper contours of the body hairs.

ac dc

This is hands down my favorite TF graphic story ever. NICE work!


Hardcore 🤌🏻


Agreed. I’ve played around with several body hair brushes. They work ok for some things. Not ok for others. Hand drawn is the way to go, but damn it’s time consuming!


Your shading is incredible. I’ve not figured out how to do that effectively yet

Tom S

The detail is just amazing! Right down to how the pads start to develop from the top left image through to the middle right, addition of fur etc. It also seems like the fur down the centre of his back has thickened

Tom S

Also... Could we be getting the start of a tail now that he's in this position?


he's getting so bestialy, I love seeing new claws popping up and kicking out his old human nails, sorry Curtis, but this is amazing!


Haha thanks. I dont imagine there's a lot out there. I think its the longest transformation sequence by now.


I like the details of the blood trickling from his fingertips and tips of his toes where the claws emerged. Perfect! (big toe claw...ouch!) That thick neck too...


That reminds me I should make a SFW version of this page lol. I cant be sure everyone is willing to see cartoon blood.


This is cool and brutal I don't think I've ever seen anyone make any details regarding nails and claws!

Walter Claud

I'm so ready for those feet to stretch and those shorts to shred. Loving every bit of this.