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September exclusive illustration now available for all tiers! Looking back on this one, I'm extremely pleased with it. Wow! Nice job, me from 5 months ago!

Some late night photo exchanges with a buddy may get interrupted by an extremely untimely transformation.

Or perhaps it's an extremely timely transformation. It all depends on whether you've learned to take advantage of the sensations that accompany the changes.

Last two are .png and .jpg respectively. The png is useful as it has a transparent background.




I'm absolutely thankful there's an artist that is making werebear art. Seriously, my gratitude is ocean-deep and boundless.

The Wolfe Writer

It's all about the almighty dollar. How much It's going to cost? How much money can we make from this? What is the audience for this and is there enough for it? I mean... the best Wolfman tf was from the 2010 Wolfman with Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins. Outside of AWIL & Howling (bc they are neck in neck with each other) the only movie that came to a good place was Van Helsing... BUT even then that was skin tearing... and like you... I DESPISE it!


That Indian movie bhediya had a pretty good tf but he turned into a cute doggie so it lost a lot of points from me. Which is a shame because it had so much detail and had no skin ripping. If it was a werewolf and not just a household pet I see daily I would have been over the moon. But alas, still searching for the ideal transforming sequence...

The Wolfe Writer

Ooooh, love the partial bear tf! Too bad we don't have any classic werewolves from you yet...


Damn, this is amazing work AB! If I was the buddy on the other end, I'd come over to see what's up...


oooooooh my! he should open an onlyfans. We'd pay good money each full moon! :D


Wow, you put a lot of details in that work, especially cloth 🤯 Amazing work!

Bradley The Blue Fox

This is absolutely LOVELY, kinda wanna see the text exchange hehe


God his expression is just 🤌🏼


I was strongly considering writing it out and including the phone screen as a lead in to the image but it turned into a lot more work than I was really willing to do. If you look closely an image on the phone has been shared!

Walter Claud

Wish I was walking in on this, I'd happily join him.


'It... it's gonna start... ya sure you wanna see it?' "Absolutely... I wanna see your other side. I'm not afraid... and I'm here if it gets to be too much... at least my voice is..." I friggin' love this dood. Great work. :)


Thanks. I like that scenario and had been wanting to draw it for a while but i want to do that with established characters first hehe


On a mild tangent, the second-to-last variation, with the plain black background, shows off your professional signature very nicely. I think this may be the first time I've really noticed it, and I think it looks really cool.


Thank you! It's my 2.0 signature/logo. I enjoy making logos. However now that you bring up how visible it is I feel like I ought to change it.


That's your call. Are you thinking of making your signature less prominent or just wanting to try a different design?


I see nothing wrong with it, but then again I was the kid who felt deeply betrayed by the universe when he realized that adding as much glitter as possible to something didn't necessarily improve it.

The Wolfe Writer

Being the kind artist that you are, would you be so kind to provide links to the werewolves? I've been following your work for a while now and I probably just missed them then. *bats eyes innocently and longingly, being cute*


https://www.patreon.com/posts/68223079 https://www.patreon.com/posts/van-helsing-57323059?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator not sure if those links work but giving it a shot.


Wolves are right behind bears for me for tf. But as far as I see, the bear to wolf tf ratio leans infinitely more toward wolf. They got movies, merchandise, etc. Bears aren't so lucky so I'm tipping the scales a little bit. But just a little cuz I'm only one artist who can only make so much.

The Wolfe Writer

The links worked, thank you! 😊 I remember seeing the first linked pics, but not the second Van Helsing post and out of those, number 20 was my favorite! You are also spot on with how werewolves definitely have more going for them than werebears do, but you also have to admit when it comes to mainstream media, werewolf stuff is typically garbage with a gem or two hidden deep in the trash pile.


Oh 100% hard agree. Mainstream werewolf media never quite hits the mark for me, ignoring the fact that they are disallowed from showing full frontal nudity. I can go on for hours talking about how much I dont enjoy skin ripping tf and yet it seems to be Hollywood's favorite method of werewolf tf. The best on screen tf that captures the level of intimacy and spectacle required for a werewolf has yet to be bested over 40 years later. 40 FUCKN YEARS. We have the technology to replicate perfect realism and we still haven't gotten anything equal to what was done in 81. How sad is that. Anyway yes. Werewolf is second favorite for me. I think i can technically say its number 1 for me for anatomical transition reasons but I prefer bears as an animal for more reasons. I think they make for a more powerful wereform and power is a big factor in my interest for tf.

K The Shy Kat

Man, that TF is drawn so freaking well! Amazing job, Bear!