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I just finished another drawing so that's why I'm only this far on the next page. I'm going on vacation in about a week so I'm gonna try to pump out this page before I leave.

Sept 10: I put in a lot of work today. What's left is adding dialogue, touchups and sweat effects maybe.




Oh god oh fuck i gotta get back inside *falls and continues to tf on the floor* lol


Hopefully his feet change next


At least 3 times more panels showing feet than the previous page. It's only appropriate that since his hands are transforming his feet follow suit.


Have a good vacation! 😎 I don't want to rush things, but does it mean that the next page after that WIP page will be on the next month?


*crying sadly* anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your vacation! 😎


What's the grid paper format for?


I use it to make my page numbers centered and consistent lol. Forgot to turn it off when I took the snapshot.

Patricia Mason

Insane amount of talent. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands out of my pants working on these.


Haha you be surprised how fast one can grow numb to the effects after working with it a while.


I believe in you, you can do it!!!


I just noticed with the latest update how Curtis is literally grabbing the adjacent comic panel, which is a really cool touch. Per usual I can’t wait to see the next page! And enjoy your vacation!!