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What else do I call this? He's making devil horns and spider-man web shooty hands.

A little art block. I wanted to study the art of Furry Bob - I have no idea what name he goes by now as I can't find any of his official accounts anywhere, but here this is. I think I got close, but didn't quite nail it. Still quite happy with it.




I keep getting told by various people that this bear guy is hot so I'm running with it.

The Wolfe Writer

It's awesome man and looks just like his style! He still goes by FurryBob... at least on FA. He does post there as well on a somewhat regular basis.


Found him. @bobby_arts on twitter. I find artstyle replication and studies to be very educational and fun but I also feel gross doing it. I want to post this piece because I like how it came out but I also didn't ask if I could steal his style and asking if I could post my own art feels ???? Lol

The Wolfe Writer

I mean... a style is a style... that's not something that really belongs to someone... especially since even if it is similar styles of art... it is still not exactly the same bc you aren't him. What I would do is message him and ask him how he feels about it. Go from there.


'Sup bruh wut's tubular over 'ere?' I dig it :D


It's the 90s. You can sound as -absolutely ridiculous- as you want. :D