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Yes, so here's another NSFW page coming up.

People seem to enjoy when I update my WIPs so they have an idea of when to expect the drop. So here's the next one. I am LOVING the expressions on this page and I can't wait to share. This particular panel has heavy profile picture potential.

I'm also gonna go back and delete some old WIP based posts. I don't like them bloating the Patreon's stats with nothing unique to offer.

EDIT: March 8 - Only onomatopoeia left. Admittedly one of the more difficult, trial and error processes but that's it! Almost there!






Look like he’s enjoying the changes 👀👀👀


Looks like he's relived to get that load out 💦


Hoooray Curtis comes back!!!!!


Lol so fast today 👍👍👍 Can't wait for new update!


Part of me is rushing this to make up for lost time but I also think it's a less demanding page.


As I can see, this page will be awesome too. Just continue work, current result is glorious, it doesn't drop in quality. Keep it up!


One thing that I wonder: Will his friend come home to find him out mid transformation?


I havent decided yet. If this is a one off comic with no continuation, then yes he will find him mid transformatio. If people want more story stuff then no because I feel like the friend learning his friend werebeast is a good premise for story shenanigans.


I feel like adding in the roar for page 18 could be a super awesome touch, I do enjoy looking back at all the pages every now and then to see the comic in full with new pages. Page 18 left me half and half with imaging that he was letting out a roar with the expression but I also wasn't sure, so in my mind he was making a roar. Would be awesome to see it on the page though


I realized I went off script with this current page when i did my thumbnails. There is supposed to be a roar and I figured I could fit in this bonus page but I just realized that I didn't write this page to sequence into a primal roar following. I think that settles it. I gotta go back to the script and do the roar. That means public gotta wait even longer for a new page. Awarebear did a fuck-up :(


Dont sweat it man! Happy to see what ever you choose to do, I know it'll be great and I got no problem waiting for it


I could put out this page first or give you guys a double update once that other page is done.


Personally I think it'll give the update a little bit more impact if you were to release both at the same time, but again, happy with anything you decide to put out as always


Please put this page first, I feel so sad😭😭


None of you asked for this but I’ve a mega ton of free time in work today and bored. So I think to myself, we need to normalise were’s I think. Make it an every day conversation. Just another member of our society. If it was in Ireland anyway this is how the conversation is going. Were: “Come here, what did you get up to last night”. Me: “Ahh just a few cans with the lads, Kelly from the office… you know the blonde here one-“ Were: “Yeah course’ what’s she doing with herself?” Me: “Only went and got engaged with your man Arnold from Human Resources… Arnold like.” Were: “Everybody wants to be Arnold ay?” Me: “Jaysus tell me about it, what did you get up to last night with your full moon thing. Much happen? Were: “Ahh the usual, took me 30 mins to change this time! Getting faster, still painful tho. Killed a few hikers again, absolutely mauled the second one. News papers said it unrecognisable the body, absolutely mint lad.” Me: “Jeeezz man that was a slow one, I’ll have to get a paper to check it out! Not like 3 months ago then, here remember that? An entire stag party out camping?” Were: “Aw yeah that was gas so it was! Ah sure maybe next month. The first one pulled out a pocket knife, sure I looked at your one and thinks, Jesus boy sure that’ll do ya no fuckin good! Ah they’ll catch on someday…probably!”


I had a story that "normalized" weres by giving them some level of human rights and anonymity as long as they transformed in regulated, public holdings to prevent killings. In your world in mine, I can't see these conversations happening in "normalized" and accepted ways. If my friend or family was killed by a were because "oops" I would not be cool with that lol


I'll put the page out first on patreon. No sense in sitting on a complete page. I'll spoiler it for those who don't want to be spoiled. I figure this might be the start to a brief "patreon reads ahead" bonus


But now you got me thinking about it at work. Your premise is doable if it is like a purge society where there are nationwide mandates and warnings that full moons belong to weres. Those who ignore the mandates and warnings are subject to their fates. SEE THIS IS WHY I LOVE WERES. There are so many different ways you can handle them and write stories. But I also really like the idea of candidly talking about life as a were which was something I wanted to cover with the Curtis and Jeremy stories.


Think you’re missing the point, as I’m really only taking the piss. 🤣🤣 You’d be surprised what the public accept, would if people are told Were’s are not a danger. It was simply a lone wild animal attack or unexplainable phenomenon. And anyone who speaks out is simply a conspiracy theorist seeking attention?


More than one way to skin a cat Mr Bear!


Not to get political or nothing, but you'd be surprised what the public won't accept. The past 2 years have been a debate about the effectiveness of masks and vaccines. Whether you believe they work or not, the populace was divided in half. Even if they weren't dangerous, you'd still have the people who are upset about how much more powerful weres can be and would be too difficult to stop if they decided to use their were strength to harm others.


I just feel he needs a massive hug. ;_;