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Sorry, ya'll I just couldn't hack it. I just couldn't finish in time for TFTuesday :(((. Probably tomorrow, though. I don't want to rush this page because I'm trying new things and I need to make sure the composition works and reads properly. To make sure the composition works I need to be able to look at a page with new eyes, which requires time away from looking at it etc. 

Anyway, thanks for your support and patience. Goodnight - and with any amount of luck, I'll see y'all tomorrow!




Where's he going, the kitchen? I don't think a glass of water can stop this...


Dont rush yourself take as long as you need/want man <3


Thanks. I won't rush it. I'll give this page all the time it needs to bloom into a beautiful butterfly. Or transform into a beautiful bear. That's more appropriate hehe


He needs a hug and a reminder he's gonna be alright. Right before it starts up again.


Bro wtf are you me? That exact scenario is 👌👌 I kind of put it in the comic but kind of different. We're actually in that intermission phase where the tf stops for a bit.


Perfectionism is both a joy and a trial, but if one can harness it oh the results that can be had! Having high standards is a good thing, but don't be so hard on yourself that you leave bruises or exhaust yourself.