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Curtis' transformation takes a step forward - and it feels worse than hair growth.

I did some timing on how long it takes to do the hair/fur effects on the comic. 3 and a half hours just doing the hair. Now I kind of wish I didn't know how long it takes because at the time of making this post, his shirt is still on O.O

Anyway, the pages seem to be coming along okay but the more I try to change things up with the panel work the more trouble I end up having with the page composition. Not yet sure if that's me doing something right in challenging myself or doing something wrong in making the comic harder to read...




It's lookin great!


I'm having Déjà vu, hehe... terrible hairy! the story is very good, you are managing to represent the frame by frame very well. I loved the background representing your heart rate increasing with a touch of red


Mmm... looking forward to it. Like I said - it's a labor of love. :)