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OC poll winner

Gonna make the other sketch separate from this one.

Trying out some new coloring techniques because my art has been very lack luster, do you guys like this or should I stick with the other style? 




I mean, I dunno what you mean by "lackluster" as I feel like your art is incredible! X3 I'm also too dumb spot those kinds of differences without them being pointed out to me. Sooooooo... XP


First off, your art is anything but lackluster. That said, I do like the softness of this piece, and the colouring is good. I would have no issue with a slight shift towards this softer tone. I've been following you on insta for a long time and have seen your art steadily improve even from one year ago. Don't try to make your art "better" (whatever that even means), just focus making it yours. I love your style, that's why I pay to see it. While I don't have all the fancy art words to exactly describe the elements that make your art appealing, the style that you have developed and are constantly developing upon is unique and valuable. Stay true to you and keep up the fine work.


Rlly appreciate it, thx for ur support it really means a lot. I wouldn’t be doing this rn if it weren’t for ppl like u! ^^