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The update is ready and out  :D






The main focus of this Update was corrupting Elen, Astria, and Rirsi, So There are a lot of new events (and h-scenes, of course, ~) with them - Including the finale of the Academy conquering story~

- You can now fully corrupt Elen and discover her sad secret...lucky we can help her~

- You can now fully corrupt Rirsi -  Honey-trap against The Lord of Lust is not a good idea~

- You can now conquer The Academy and make The Headmistress yours~

- New Practical Lesson for our familiar

- We can now give Alchemy class to the special class~ (More events with this in the future~)

- You can now discover the secrets behind The First Headmistress and the mysterious blue-haired girl that sometimes talks with Albion~

- Some small changes here and there.

I want to keep changelogs a little vague because I don't want to spoil too much~

New Patrons scenes:

You can now ask Mirila for a foot-job~/ You can now wait for Louise in your Salon on Sunday Morning for some more foot-job fun~ Those scenes were made for my Sage tier Patron Fenrir77

You can now meet Noemi in the bar on Friday and Saturday and have some fun with her~ This scene was made for my Demon tier Patron seowdap

New Gang-bang scene with your clones for Lisa~ You can ask her about it after the orgy scene in the Spa with her, Madi, Mia, and Alis~ This scene was made for my Demon tier Patron Wild Bill

New Dream Invader Scene for Alis - She really wants our MC baby~ This scene was made for my Demon tier Patron HymnOfSouls

The next update will be released around June 28 - It will be a smaller update focused on adding more sides/bonus content to the Academy. I will spend most of my free time in June creating new characters for the Criminal Organization Story that we will start in July~

Also, I'm very sorry for the delay, May was a rather hard month for me - because I felt ill at the beginning of May I was on break from my regular work any yea...I had a lot of backlog of work that I had to catch up.

Anyway, I hope you will like the Update and the finale of the Academy Conquering story~

Cheers ^^






um hi first, im enjoying this game but im stuck with still low corruption. how do i move on plz help.


Hi i'm a new sage patron is there a dedicated place where i enter my scene requests perk for the month?


You can write it to me via Patreon message or write directly to me on discord :)