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Here are some of my plans and thoughts for 2023 - It took me some time to write it cus I wanted to really think it out and here we go ^^

Being a dev, regular work and time:

So as some of you may know or not, I currently treat game-making as my part-time job and I still have a full-time-regular job. Right now I'm trying to spend 2-3 hours per day working on my game during my work days and at least 8 hours during my free days, but there are also days that I just don't have any free time. And in 2023 I think I can try turning game-making into my regular work, of course, I know it's a significant change and I will take it slowly but, to be honest, I really enjoy creating and working on my game, and seeing all the support I get from not only my Patrons but also from others people I want to give it a shot so...yea this is one of my goals for 2023-2024 :) 

So if it works I will spend much more time working on my game but I also want to learn more about it - learning more about programming, checking new programs, and working on my English (my biggest weakness I think) You know becoming better dev so I can make better games ^^

Main Project Peerless Lust:

Peerless Lust, my main and only project,  There is a simple 'plan' of what I want to do:

-Magic Academy story - conquering the Magic Academy
- Gang Story - Taking over the Criminal organization that blackmailed Mia
- More Adventurer time - Working on our party, getting higher ranks, and taking over the Adventurers Guild branch in the city.
During those stories, our MC will take control over 3 ruling families of the city and thus become the 'Shadow Ruler' of the whole city. Becoming the hidden ruler of the city will also mark the End of Chapter/Act 1.

After becoming the Shadow Ruler of the city our MC will get a new nice mansion to live in with his Harem. and he will be mostly focused on expanding his influence over the neighboring countries and places around the City and creating his country/empire that he will openly rule. - Creating our MC's own country to rule will mark the end of Chapter/Act 2.

After creating his own Country our MC's plan to conquer his new world is going on at full speed, After all, as a ruler, he has the right to meet other countries' rules (especially their queens, princesses, holy maidens, etc. right? ^^).

Of course, there will be some people who will not like our MC's rise to power and will try to stop him. And at some point, even the Godesess and Divine Dragonesses of this world may take actions (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง.

This is just a simple plan so you guys can see and know what to expect in the future. Of course, during all of this, we will meet a lot of fine ladies to add to the Harem :).

Also, as you can see I have some points I write about at the end of the chapter/act, those are points where some big changes take place in the game's world and a small time skip - for example, our MC moving to a new mansion to live with his girls, etc.  I'm not yet sure if I want to split Peerless Lust into multiple smaller chapter-based games or keep it as one big one - I guess we will figure it out when the time comes ¯\(°_o)/¯

And for how long it will all take - I don't know, it's really hard to tell but I think it's possible to finish this game in around 3 more years...Yes, I actually want to finish my game ^^

Side Projects?

So I thought about it and I think that maybe at some point I will try to do some much smaller side games but it will mostly be for me gaining more experience and trying new things - for example, I want to try using Daz 3D studio at some point so maybe I will try to make something with it. 

Of course, you don't need to worry as the name said the side project will be well...side projects and Peerless Lust will stay as my absolute priority :)

Anyway, I look forward to what awaits in this new year and I hope that all of you had a good start in 2023 - (Mine wasn't XD)

Cheers ^^



Long Tran

A good broad but focused outline. Looking forward to it!