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Hey guys, first of sorry for my absence for some time - I had some serious private problems but it's better now  :)

Anyway, the 0.16 Update will be released on August 30 - It will be a more minor update cus of my lack of free time and also I want to make the 0.17 Update a really big one and I spent much time on creating new characters that will apear in it.

Also, I'm very grateful for all the ideas I got about how should we go with the Magic Academy story, and after some thinking and testing, I decided that we will go with MC creating a permanent female clone/Familiar and she will go into the academy as the student and MC will go into the Academy as the teacher. Of course, we will stay focused on MC perspective but sometimes we will also see the clone perspective (Before anyone ask our MC clone/familiar will be custom named so you can name her whatever you want ^^ )

And small info about h-scenes that will involve MC clones and transforming into female - Those scenes will be all optional, bonuses scenes for example I added a new option for our house and spa group fun where MC clone himself to fuck every girl at the same time and this option is completely optional (and this option will only appear during re-watching those scenes) and the clone power will be mostly used during bigger group scenes. And for female transformation, I plan to make at least one lesbian scene with a female MC for every girl - but they will too be just bonuses and will be completely optional.

To sum it up, every scene that involves a more 'heavy fetish?' (I don't really know how to call it lol) will be optional - for example, I plan to add some BDSM scenes in the future and they too will be just bonus scenes that can be skipped without losing anything important.

Cheers ^^



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