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Hey Guys ^^

For the 0.13 Update I decided to focus more on adding more interactions with already existing characters rather than progressing the story, so in this update, I want to add:

- An ''interaction" option to the girls who still don't have it, and add an "Idle talk" option to every more important character where you can get to know more about them and about the world, etc., for example, you can ask adventurers girls, about their ranks or why did they become an adventurer - some of the things you can ask for will also tell you what you can expect in the future. - To be honest, I think writing dialogs is the hardest part of making this game for me and also the most time consuming one (You know English is not my first language and I want to make my game to be somewhat readable so it's really can take me some time)

 - More random and repeatable events with Mia and Alis like eating meals together (Of course it will be possible to turn those events into a more 'lusty' kind in the future ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  ).    Also a new story event for Mia (After our MC learned the truth he will now want to help her relax and forget about this whole contract and gang incident - I planning to create a set amount of events for her where we will invent her to different places to have some 'fun' and help her relax - The first one being the Spa. ) Yes, the gang plot will be split from Mia for some time but it is of course not the end of it.

- I want to add some random events to the Inn in Adas Village when you choose to hang around for example meeting some of your girls here and then having some fun with her.

Those are my main focuses on this update, and for the future ones just like I write before  I will focus mostly on Mia and starting a Magic Academy plot :)

And also I hope you guys can understand that I don't want Peerless Lust to be just a bunch of sex scenes without any contest (Of course sex will be still the main point of the story and the game ), But I want it to have at least a basic story, lore, and world-building - At least that the player will know what he is doing and why he is doing it.- So I hope you can understand why I decided to take a little step back with this update and add more to the already existing characters :)

Anyway, the update will be released on May 29 - Due to me finally getting free from the quarantine, going back to my regular work, and some other stuff, my daily schedule is pure chaos right now (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Also, what do you guys think about me sharing more of my plans with you like in this post and what are your thoughts about my plans? - Please let me know ^^

Cheers ^^



Johnny Mind

Definitely appreciate you sharing your plans for the game! Of course me and probably everyone else is here mainly for the sex content, but getting to know more about the lore and even more so the girls is certainly welcome! That said, looking forward to Mia and Ali's events!