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Hey guys, I want to explain why I have to change the Update 0.12 release date - As some of you may know I had a break from my regular work this month and I wanted to use it to make the update bigger and release it when my break end (April 24) but sadly at the beginning of the second week of my break I feel ill pretty bad and right now I'm on quarantine (Yes I got 'The C Virus') 

But don't worry no matter what you will get the update in April and my quarantine will last for at least a month... so more free time for me I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway I wanted to inform you and also don't worry even though I got the virus right now I don't feel too bad and I'm able to work on my game ^^

Hope you can understand and sorry for the delay  :)

Cheers ^^ 




a month quarantine wtf lol

Long Tran

A month!? Well, use the time to relax a bit too!