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Hello everyone! How are you all?

So... recently, I mentioned I was planning on freezing this account.

After a lot of thought, consideration, reading through your kind comments and long talks with some good friends (and supporters) alike, I've now decided to keep it up and running.

Truth is, I had a mental breakdown prior to writing that post. I believed I wasn't delivering adequately enough, and it made me feel terrible. I've been very emotionally unstable, I've just gone through an incredibly difficult break-up, I've had to deal with a lot of life problems over the past... year, really
But - things are slowly improving. I have an incredibly important person in my life who's doing more than I could ever ask for to try and help me through the motions I'm going through. I'm trying to do everything I can for them in return. In this regard, I'm extremely fortunate, and I'm relieved to no longer feel so alone in my struggles. I'm finally on the road to some serious recovery and self-healing, and I'm optimistic.

I know I've been apologising a lot lately, so instead of doing that, I'm just going to say a huge thank you to everyone here. Your comments are heart-warming and it made me realise that many of you are here simply because you want to support me, and for that, there really aren't enough words in the English language to express my gratitude. You're all so kind and I'm very lucky to have you all here standing by me.

Honestly, thank you.

Love, Lax

PS: My most recent sketch should be finished today. Well, I'll do my best to finish it today - it's almost done.



I'm so sorry to hear that. I might be a stranger, but I still wish I could reach in and give you a big hug. And I'm very glad that you decided to keep this place up and running. You just take your time to recover, there's no pressure. We're all here for you. Be safe and take care!


I’m glad you decided to continue with keeping the site going. And, honestly, it’s a small pittance compared to the Joy you give us with the quality of your work. For now, your #WildeHopps art is so gorgeous, I’d be very tempted to purchase a few of them to even help you out until you can get you commissions going. As for the breakup, I can sympathize. It’s never easy getting over heartbreak. Took me about two years of seeing a psychiatrist but in the end, I’m stronger for it. Of course, having family and friends around to support you during this period helps a lot as well. #StayStrong ! Keep safe and healthy as well.


Thank you very much for the kind words. I really appreciate your support, and thank you for being here. :>


That is really sad, but gladly you have someone who can help you and be there for you in this hard time. (Especially with real hugs and warmth ;) ) As Vhideout already so fitting said: Take time and there´s no shame in accepting help. Especially if it comes forme someone special. We are glad we can help you at least a bit with our (true) words and the few pounds and don´t regret it :)


I'm really sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time, that's awful. I'm glad to hear things things are starting to improve though, even if it's slow. We're here to support. Happy to hear you'll be sticking around <3