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Hi everyone! I figured I should probably give a quick update on my situation and current whereabouts.

I moved to a new apartment 3 days ago, so the past week has been total chaos essentially - I am exhausted, so this is the biggest reason there hasn't been much art from me recently. But I'm already nicely settled, there's a lot of tidying to do and so much trash to throw away but aside from that, I should be getting back on track very soon!

I will also not have internet until the 25th of this month. I'm relying on a limited amount of data for now.

That's everything - I hope you guys are doing well, and as always, thank you so much for your continued support!


Colonel Arbuckle

Glad to hear the move went well and that you're settling in nicely, Lax! Keep taking care of yourself!


Hope things go smoothly for you, and 'you know we love you'. :)