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title is a work in progress, lmao

Have a rainy Wildehopps smooch. 

yeah drawing a bunny and a fox kissing will never get easier no matter how hard i try, rip




I’m no artist but I would guess there would be a challenge for most long-muzzled animals?


Partially - there’s also their size difference, but yes, the muzzles are very much a challenge haha. Thank you for pledging, by the way! I really appreciate the support!


Finally a WildeHopps fanart! Can't wait for completion!



D. Stuart

Their relationship would have many adjustments and troubles, but Judy, for one, isn't known for backing down! She'd make it work and I suspect Nick would put some effort into it as well. Mixed muzzles for the win! Adorable arts... thanks... Stubat


Keep an eye on her size, remember in the movie she can walk under his outstretched arm without hitting her head. You can really see it in the scene where they are talking when Finnick is in the baby carriage.


Also reminds me of the scene in The Broken Mask fanfiction where they are having a heart to heart in the rain.

Cas VoiceActs

Awwww Kisses in the Rain!! This is so beautiful 😍 I like how you made Nick's fur on his tail look!


You're right, she really is tiny, it's so easy to forget. Thank you for bringing this to my attention here or else I would have glossed this over D: I'll size her down a bit and try to keep the kiss looking natural - she's on her tippytoes here giving her a bit of extra height, but yeah she needs to be a bit smaller for sure haha. Thank you!


Yup - there's a reason I'm making them wear the same clothes as the ones they're wearing in my #BLM inspired comic from yesterday (it's on my twitter for anyone here who might not have seen it yet!) While subtle, I thought it might be a nice little segue. Thank you Stu!

Colonel Arbuckle

Awww!!!! That's so romantic, Lax!! I love how you gave that wet look to their fur!


Lax?? haha, I love that, I'm going to call her that too!