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Hello! Today's release is another one based on a popular patron request.

(The monster in the preview image is last month's Mirror Entity.)

I noticed the suggestions for a Mirror World... and a suggestion for an Ice Palace. I realized that these two ideas could have some overlap-- depending on which one you need for your game, I think that this little tile add-on could work for either!

Some of these textures are based on older releases-- but I put in the time to edit and improve them to bring the up to a more modern standard. So I was really happy that this request gave me the opportunity to do that.

Note that this likely isn't enough variety for an entire dungeon-- it's best used for a special room or two-- maybe a chamber that holds a legendary treasure, or another realm where you encounter a boss like in the preview above. 

And of course, if you want to expand on the set to make a larger area, it should mix-and-match pretty nicely with other tilesets I've made in the past.

Like all my add-ons, the sheet is a collection of tiles that are arranged in a regular grid. That way you can easily add them to any other existing tileset.



Okay, that's it for today!

I'll be back later in the week with something new. See you then.



Sanguine Calamus

I see a Final Fantasy Crystal Chamber.