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Well, it's the end of the first month of the new year. Let's recap our productivity:

Patreon Releases:

Mostly a bunch of patron requests. Seems like there's a theme, as a bunch of these are based around monsters or creatures. That wasn't really intentional, but I think it worked out pretty well!


Small update: Recently over the past half year or so, you might have noticed that sometimes at the end of the month when I make these recap post + the request thread, those posts can take the place of one of the releases. It depends on how the days of the week line up in the month: a week might have the usual Monday release and then these monthly posts for the second half of the week. 

I'm planning to continue this trend going forward-- it makes things a lot easier schedule-wise. So sometimes we might have 7 releases in a month instead of the 8 that we used to hit more consistently.

I don't think that really changes the value of this patreon, especially when compared to other patreon pages I've seen (and with the tremendous backlog we've built!) -- but if you feel that isn't fair then I understand.

Tbh I probably could have just done this without mentioning it, but you know how I am about being open and transparent on here, especially because you're paying money for these assets. 

I hope it makes sense to you!

That said-- the next release will be next week, and in the meantime: I'll be back tomorrow with the new request thread!



Previous Months:


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