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Hello! I hope you had a good weekend. I'm back to show off another patron pre-release!

I've previewed some other pieces from the upcoming Elements expansion: the witch hat, the gun, etc. Today's release shows off two new pieces: backpacks!

You can tell that my priority so far has been all of the "extra" type of things. Like I've mentioned before-- I don't want to give away everything in these pre-release posts, because then there won't be any hype for the full release. So I'm planning to save the primary character pieces (shirt, pants, hair) for the full release, while showing off these accessories that I think will be really useful.

Over the weekend I put together two different types of backpacks that I'll be including in the expansion set.

The first pack is a bigger one with a roll on the top-- the kind perfect for a long-term adventure, or maybe something you'd see equipped on a traveling merchant. The second backpack has a similar style but is smaller and lacks the big roll on the top.

Like other Elements character pieces, these are designed to work with the existing generator. Just copy the image files into the 'back extra' folder. 

Also: if you don't want to use the generator, you can assemble these in any image-editor of your choice (and for something like these, you could get more out of them with manual layering- there are a couple of frames that by default are hidden behind the body when the character turns for an action: I'm thinking of the way the backpack tilts for the attack animation. It should look fine with the default generator layering-- but there are some extra details that you might miss out on. Check it out!)

Of course, they come in a few different color variations for each style. I hope that you find these to be useful!


Reminder: Some browsers have a hard time with .zip files. If the download isn't working, make sure to right-click and 'save as', maybe copy-paste the URL into a new tab, or try a different browser.


As I continue with this month, working on a bunch of pieces to build towards the character expansion pack; I think I'm gonna continue this structure for the patron posts: alternating Elements pre-releases and normal patron requests. This way I should be able to keep up with the Elements stuff to hopefully get this thing out there before Christmas! 

I've been prioritizing other things for way too long-- time to get a kick in the butt!

So-- that means that the next release this week will be a regular patron request-- maybe another Time Fantasy tileset add-on, or maybe something different. See you on Friday with something new!

And then next week-- more Elements.



Arron Simpson

yay more element stuff! these are gonna be handy for me for traveling marchent's like u said =)