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Don't get "a head" of yourself! Hahahahahahhaha!

Things are (more or less) finally back on track around here, so I'm getting back to those new Elements pieces. Today is a small one, but it's something that there's been a lot of interest in, so I'm glad to share it with you today.

I came up with new skin tone palettes for the Elements set!

These will be included in the upcoming update, and I'm happy to share them with you today. There's three new palettes: green, red, and a bone-tone. I imagine that these will mostly be useful for making monster-type characters, like orcs and demons. 

Here's how they look on some new monster-type heads:

(Note: I wanted to get these heads finished and animated and ready to go for today, but I ran out of time-- so for now we just have these base designs for them. I'll have them finished for a future update, or maybe just for the full release of the expansion pack.)

I went ahead and added the new skin tones to the JSON file that works with the current Elements Generator that's included in the Elements character pack. It's a simple settings file. 

If you haven't made any changes to the default one, then you can just overwrite the file directly with the new one, and then the new skin tones should appear in the program the next time you open it.

If you have made changes to the settings file-- then you are likely familiar enough with the format to paste my new skin tones into your edited version.


I also finished one new head. I didn't have time for all of the cool monster heads, but I got this one finished-- mostly because it was pretty straightforward edit of the original head, so it didn't take me too long. So because of that, you can consider it as a bonus inclusion for today's release.

It's nothing too fancy, but I wanted a head with a wider face-- this should give a little more variety for creating human characters. It will be useful to make a sprite who is bulkier, or just chubby. That's one of the goals with the expansion: to push the Elements set with some more varied body types.


NOTE: Some browsers have a hard time with .zip files. If the download isn't working, make sure to right-click and 'save as', maybe copy-paste the URL into a new tab, or try a different browser.

I've already released some other heads before too, which I plan to release with the new expansion-- so after I finish up these last few, I'll be moving onto some more interesting pieces. 

Stay tuned for those in the upcoming weeks!


That's it for today. I'll be back later in the week with something new.



Andrew Wales

Okay so first of all THANK YOU for the skin tones. These are perfect for my current project. Second of all THANK YOU in advance for the monster heads. Those same projects all feature monster party members and this will revolutionize what I am trying to do.


Absolutely love getting some diversity with the characters as well as monsters! Super happy you're going to add diffferent body types as well. I'd also love to see more diversity, hijaabs, turbans, etc.