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Hello! Today's release is based on a patron request!

The feedback on the previous couple of releases is clear: can never go wrong with more monsters! Well -- these guys aren't quite monsters: but they're intended to work as enemies in your game, so when I saw this request, I thought it was a great idea.

These fallen sprites match up with these bandit gang characters from a previous release. There's two sheets here that cover the two color variants of the four characters from that set-- making for eight total characters.

With these fallen versions of the characters, you have more options for creating scenes in your game-- like the aftermath of a raid on the bandit camp in the screenshot that I made above. 

Particularly useful if you need your heroes to fight a group of criminals but don't want to have to kill human enemies-- so now you can have a scene where you KO them and leave them on the ground. 

You could also use them as a sleeping pose; maybe your group infiltrates their hideout at night and you have to use some stealth...

I'm getting a lot of ideas... I love releases like this, when it makes me want to put together a scenario in a game. 

I hope that you find these inspiring too!


Reminder for RPG Maker users: This is a single sheet, so add a "$" to the front of the filename.


That's it for now!

This might be the last release for the month-- it'll certainly be the last regular release. I'm planning on using this weekend to do more work to finish up the Elements tileset (I discussed the plans here), but I don't know if it'll be done or not; might take some extra time, so I don't want to make any promises.

So you might get a bonus full-beta drop-- or maybe I'll be back after the weekend with the end-of-month thread.

Either way; see you soon. Have a nice weekend!



This will add a bit more detail to the project I am working on thanks! Also I would not be opposed to a second monster pack that fits the Time Fantasy style. Just saying hahah!


I'm sure they deserved it.