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Hello! Today's release is something a bit different-- and I think it's fun!

This weekend I was putting some time into a fun little prototype idea-- you can see it in the preview animations above and below.

The hand cursor is based on something that I originally made quite a while ago, but I revisited it and did a lot of work to clean it up and improve it-- including making some new special animations.

(Note: I did release a pixel-icon style hand cursor in 2019. This is not that one, it's something different.)

I thought that it would make for a fun patron release-- something a bit different. Some patrons have asked for more UI stuff in the past; maybe this could be useful for that.

The preview .gif above shows the primary animations for the hand cursor, clicking and grabbing. I also made something new which is also a part of the animation sheet:

Maybe you want to flick things! 🤣 

(If you use this flick, you can re-use the "open hand" frame at the end of the animation for when the pose relaxes back into shape. I didn't want to duplicate the frame on the sprite sheet.)


I'm also going to include one more hand-cursor as a bonus. You might recognize the base of this sprite from that old post I mentioned above. Of course, it's been improved quite a bit since then. 

This is the menu cursor that I would want to use in my own games. I originally made it for my own use, but decided that it would work as a fun bonus that fits the theme of today's release.

There's nothing too fancy about this one, but you might find it useful.



Okay, that's it for now. I'll be back later this week with something from the request thread. See you then.




Whoa, nice! Very cute.


This is so good! So many possible applications for this.