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It's time for the ultimate challenge... the villain's lair awaits... it's the last dungeon of Time Fantasy... the Final Tower!

This is what I've been quietly working on for the past couple of weeks since the official release of Time Elements. Actually, this has been in the works for quite a bit of time before then, but it's recently moved to the forefront of my list.

The goal is to have this set finished and released before the end of this month-- it will be cool to finish it up for Halloween!

Anyways: this is the Final Tower tileset!



This post was originally written this morning and scheduled to release this Friday. I decided to push it a couple days early, so that if there are any comments or suggestions to add to the set, I want to work on them later this week. 👍


Obviously inspired by Kefka's Tower from FF6-- the main idea of this set is to serve as the true finale for the Time Fantasy series. Half of the tileset is based around greebly tech, which is common with RPG final dungeons-- but also to cap off the Future and Steampunk sets. 

The other half of the tileset is more of an organic mess-- rocky but of an unfamiliar material, meant to be reminiscent of FF6's Floating Continent or other similar dungeons. The overlap between these themes brings the set together in a way that gives it a feel of menacing wrongness...

And after making this skeleton river as a patron request, I thought that it would be a perfect addition to really push this set to the next level!

Check it out! Here are some early sets for you to play with (in RPG Maker format)!

Downloads - 100% (16x16):

Downloads - 200% (RMVX/Ace):

Downloads - 300% (RMMV/MZ):


Important note:

This is an alpha, or a Patreon preview: it's not a full pre-release. You'll notice that there's a bunch of blank space on the TileB sheet that I haven't filled out yet! I also have plans to make some more animated stuff to go along with this (like some unique switches, or maybe a door). So this is certainly not the entire set.

The final version might have tiles arranged differently on the set, so be aware of that if you plan to use these.


I was hoping to have more of this set finished for this week, and tbh it doesn't feel wonderful to share it with you with a big hole in one of the tilesets -- (I think that I'm going to fill that area with some bigger setpiece-type things; like a corrupted angel statue or something like that.) I just haven't gotten to it yet, I'm sorry.

I've been pretty open about the past couple of weeks being really rough-- and while I've gotten back to a regular schedule, it's still hard to focus as much as I normally would. A dog's recovery from this kind of surgery is a slow process, but things are going really well. It's just stressful for me even though he mostly sleeps all day-- so I'm still getting my work done-- just a bit slower than normal.

Still: I fully expect to have this set finished up within the next week or so, so we can release this on or before Halloween. So--

If you have other suggestions or ideas to include, please share them in this thread!


That's it for this week. I hope this preview release feels like a big one and that you can have fun playing with it this weekend.

I'll be back on Monday with something new-- see you then!




This is looking awesome! It's a great way to finish Time Fantasy. Don't worry about working slower than usual, we understand. My best wishes to you and your dog.

Ben Hall

Sorry if I missed an update, but is TF wrapping up completely, or just no more "official" releases? I love TF, but I was late to the party!