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Hello! It's been a while since I released something new for the Elements sprite set. Today I'm dumping a bunch of Elements stuff that I worked on this week.

There's been interest in additional weapons for the Elements set. In the past I've promised these for future releases or patron requests, but this spear I think will be worth adding to the core set.

As I'm putting together the final touches on the PDF Guide (this guide has been taking forever and I'm not gonna pretend that I haven't been procrastinating-- the technical writing stuff is a chore, but it's on track to finally finish up this weekend), I realized that it made sense to include this second weapon as part of the core.

Since this spear wasn't part of the original beta pack, I am happy to release this for patrons today as a new pre-release.


In addition to the new spear asset, I'm sharing some additional color variations for some other weapons that were already included in the original patreon beta release. I made these last month, but don't think that I've shared them yet:

There are two new recolors for the sword (wood and gold), and a second recolor for the pickaxe (diamond)

All of these are designed to work with the existing elements generator program; copy them into the "weapon" folder and they'll appear for use when you restart the program. Alternatively, you can use them in your game's engine as a weapon overlay layer.



Also -- I've made some more premade NPC sheets.

You'll remember these sheets of NPC children from a previous release. They're going to be included as premade sprites in the full Elements collection.

Today I put together some NPCs that will similarly be included as premades. The difference is that these guys were created using the existing pieces for the generator-- so they also work as a preview of what you can create.

Like the children in that other post, there's two sheets here, which give the user different skin tone options.

Without Shadow:

With Shadow:


Okay, have a fantastic weekend. I'll see you next week with something new from the request thread.



Tom Read

Woah! These are superb! I've been considering developing a game with an ATB system for a bit, and these parts look like they could make it entirely possible. That gold armour is just *chef's kiss*! It'd probably be a good idea for me to finish off the 10 other projects that I've currently got on the go first though... (2 or 3 of them are about 95% done - it's just that last 5% polishing up usually takes 75% of the development time!!!)

Roberto G.

There is a generator like this for time fantasy ?