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Hello! Today's release is based on a patron request.

You'll remember The Warden from last month.

There's been some interest from patrons for a full walking sprite for the Warden boss character. So -- here he is today! This sprite has a full four-direction walking sprite for both color variations.

I hope that you find this useful!

Downloads - Blue Warden:

Downloads - Bone Warden:


Okay -- that's the last release for this month. I'll be back this weekend with the end-of-month recap thread. See you then.



Matthew Myers

I tried using this in RPGmaker MV and it walks backwards. How do I fix it?


LOL it looks like I accidentally swapped the walking directions. Good catch! I'll fix it and re-upload, thanks.

Matthew Myers

I don't see anything new. Can you post it again with a new link?