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Hello! Today's release is a special pre-release with some useful sprites.

I spent all weekend working on the PDF guide for the upcoming final release of the Elements character core set -- and there's still a lot more to do on just the guide. 

I think I've underestimated how much work it would take to write up the guide -- with the generator, unique color palettes, and the general amount of customization -- it's a lot more involved than a regular readme file. I'm including a bunch of reference images and examples to make sure that Elements users can make the most out of the assets.

Anyways -- the guide isn't the only Elements stuff that I worked on this weekend. You'll remember these child sprites from a previous update, where I shared the base.

I'll quote myself from that post:

Unlike the main sprite assets for the style, the child sprites will be unique standalone sprites, with just the classic 4-directional walking animations. It's just not realistic to use generator parts for them, because the proportions are so different. So for these guys, the intended use is as NPCs.
So my plan is to create four children, two boys and two girls (you can see them above). Then I'll make some simple recolors of them, to give us a set of eight child NPC sprites. This set of pre-made characters will be included in the final release of the Elements core character pack.

Today I have those finished sheets. There's more than the eight that I originally mentioned in that quote-- and that's because I made a second sheet with some more options for skin colors.

Without Shadow:

With Shadow:


On the subject of the Elements -- the current beta version of the generator doesn't have any way to change skin color. This is for a technical reason: the palette for the skin is the only palette that is used consistently across all the layers. So it’s unrealistic to have image files for every possibility.

Obviously this isn't ideal, so I've been chatting with Locke about a potential update before the final release.

In the meantime, if you want the color palettes that I've used for the skin tones on the sprites above, here's the information (in hex codes, darkest to lightest. pure black is shared among them all):

Skin 0:

  • 73172d
  • bb7547
  • dba463
  • f4d29c
  • faf4d6

Skin 1:

  • 561f2d
  • 9d5534
  • b4723c
  • d49149
  • f0c175

Skin 2:

  • 481c0e
  • 774128
  • 955123
  • b97e50
  • dbaa76

Skin 3:

  • 36150c
  • 583322
  • 7b4c2d
  • 986743
  • c78e52


Okay! That's it for today. I'll be back later in the week with something new from the request thread. I think we might be revisiting the overworld map with some more detail tiles... 

See you soon. Thanks!



cool kids! :)

Tom Read

These are rad! :)