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Hello! I've been working on these all weekend, so I'm really excited to share them with you today.

You'll recognize this graphics style from this post-- a few months ago, now...

Well -- I revisited this tileset, and spent all weekend expanding it. Notably, the tileset now includes tiles that can cover town, interior (house, shop, castle) and dungeon locations, with some extra themes like desert or snow

Here's another example map that I put together:

The goal of this set is to really maximize the versatility without requiring a huge amount of tiles -- I looked at classic NES games like old Dragon Warrior and  Final Fantasy games, they game me some good ideas and inspiration for which tiles are the most important.

Of course, like I detailed in my previous post -- these don't use specific restrictions. They're intended to evoke the feeling of the lo-bit era, instead of capturing it accurately. It also has a bit of a unique style to it-- I achieved that with the terrain-layer using 8x8 tiles, while the object/collision layer uses 16x16 tiles. There's more information about this in the previous post.

Anyways -- enough preamble. 

Here are the downloads with the new lo-bit tilesets:

*They're not arranged in any particular format-- other than that I tried to organize them in a way that makes sense logically.


Like I've said before -- these were created for a personal project, mostly as a style test. It was fun to go back to them and expand them. For the most part, this should be enough to make a small game in this style. Right now, I'd call the tileset collection finished... but you never know...

Like everything else I make-- it just keeps growing-- LOL...

Please let me know if there's anything missing that you think would be important to finalizing this collection. Notably, these old games in this style had very sparse worlds and they got a lot done with very few tiles. And that's what I'm going for here. But there might always be something that I've forgotten.

Even though I made these for my own use (and for fun)-- it might turn out to be worth an asset pack release after all...


Okay -- it was nice to have a break from the Time Fantasy style with these. 

But I'll certainly be back later in the week with something that fits into our regular style. Maybe some more world map stuff? We'll see -- I'll see you on Friday.



Christian Young

I've been wanting something in a lo-bit style from you for awhile, so this worked out perfectly!

Salyhin Chowdhury

I remember you making a post called "Plans for 2020" where you mentioned that you were planning on releasing a "Time Fantasy Remaster + New Style Ultimate Tileset Collection" and I wanted to know if you were still working on those.