Open RTP Patreon Pre-Release Preview! (Patreon)
Hello! I'm going to dump a ton of new tiles today. :)
I announced these on Monday. I'm really proud to share these with you today!
When all of these sets are finished, I'll be releasing them to the public as a fully free collection of tiles. But for now, this is a special early release just for patrons. You get a head start, so I hope that you can get a lot out of these tiles! There's a lot here to work with.
Honestly, I was hoping to get the fourth set (dungeon) finished by tonight so I could upload it alongside these. I only managed to finished about half of it though, and I didn't want to miss out on this week's second patreon release. 😭 So I'll probably share that as a bonus post as soon as I get it done.
(The final set, Ship, is pretty complicated, so that one will probably still be another week or so after the Dungeon set's finished.)
Downloads: (2K/3 Chipset Format - 16x16 - 100%)
Also: I know some users will want these in the formats for RMMV/Z. I originally said that I had no plans to release the tiles in that format. But, we both know -- I'll probably end up converting these, even if its just for patrons and not part of the "open" project.
But the format is different, specifically for auto-tiles, which I'll need to re-work. It's not going to take a super long time, but it'll be a lot easier to do them all at once when the tiles are all finished.
So for now, I went ahead and uploaded a simple upscaled version. They're not formatted for modern RPGmakers, but they're the right size, you can more easily cut them up and use tiles as add-ons. Hopefully these will be useful for now until I can convert the entire collection:
Downloads: (2K/3 Chipset Format - 48x48 - 300%)
Have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Mother's Day.
I'll be back next week with something new from the request thread. Thanks!