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This is it! The final release for Quirky NPC April-- I really wanted to go out with a bang, so today's set is a four-in-one!

Today's release is... The Gang!

Pickle Boy: "Watch your step! This is our turf!"
Taco Bud: "Maybe we can go easy this time."
Wiener Man: "I'm in the mood for a fight today."
Burger Chad: "Buckle up! Get 'em, fellas!"

Downloads - Time Fantasy Colors:

Downloads - Full Colors (Elements):


Quirky NPC April Releases:

  • 1 - The Aeronaut
  • 2 - The Sumo Wrestler
  • 3 - The Snake Charmer
  • 4 - The Snake
  • 5 - The Woman in a Shoe
  • 6 - The Cool Cat
  • 7 - Definitely NOT Two Ducks in a Trench Coat
  • 8 - The Tunneler
  • 9 - The Maestro
  • 10 - The Sun and Moon
  • 11 - The Space Traveler
  • 12 - The Bush Man
  • 13 - The Onion Boss
  • 14 - The Twins
  • 15 - What's Under the Barrel?
  • 16 - The Luchador
  • 17 - The Sign Guy
  • 18 - The Pigman
  • 19 - The Iron Chef
  • 20 - The Gang


... and that's it! 

With this post, Quirky NPC April officially comes to an end.

This has been a ton of fun-- but also a ton of work. We'll be back to a more regular schedule for the next month. I'll be back soon with an end-of-month review, and then after that, a normal request thread for next month. 

See you soon. Thanks!


Amber Mitchell

Big finish. Truly amazing, thank you so much for all your work on all of these!!

Chase Florom

This is awesome. Thanks for your hard work this month.