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Thanks for waiting until the weekend-- hopefully today's big release is worth the small delay.

Over the past two weeks, I've been grinding hard to put together this game for a big jam/contest. Unlike previous jams that I've worked on in the past, this time I partnered with a friend (Joseph Duke, an indie dev who is working on Shrine's Legacy)-- and he handled most of the programming, so I was able to focus on the design and making pixel assets.

The game that we created is called Farmfall -- and I'm really proud of this one. The game has two phases: day and night. During the day, you manage your farm-- planting crops and crafting defenses out of hay. At night, you have to defend your farm against waves of alien invaders! The general game loop is pretty humble, but there's a surprising amount of depth as the game goes in.

The contest was based around creating content for Opera GX. So if you use that platform/browser, you can play the game on Opera GX here: Farmfall.

If you want to check out the game but don't use Opera, I will eventually be uploading a version to my page on itch.io. It's not up yet though.


I'm happy to share these with you: I'm dropping a huge collection of assets that I created for the game!

First off, the main terrain tileset that I made for the farm. It's a different style than my other assets, a bit simpler-- but maybe you have a use for it!

Download: Terrain Tileset (16x16) 

Next up is some other tiles that I made for the farm. 

These ones are a little different because I based them on the Time Elements tileset style and sizes. See-- I planned ahead when I made these (😏). They are original tiles made for Farmfall, but designed so that I can release them as a part of the Time Elements set in the future. Pulling double-duty!

Download: Barn and House Wall Tiles (16x16)

I also have a little set of tiles and icons for the crops that you can grow and harvest in the game. Some of these are based on icons from my icon set, but they were altered and expanded here to make some unique crop objects. 

(There's also a little chicken that I used as a part of the graphic for the "egg lobber" weapon in the game.)

Download: Crop Tiles and Icons (16x16)

Here's a set of UI and HUD stuff that I created for the game. The most interesting thing here are the red notification things, which are used as pop-ups in the game to show when something is happening off-screen out of the player's view.

Other than those, there's some basic selectors and stuff that might have some more general use.

Download: Farmfall UI Graphics (8x8)

Lastly, I created a bunch of little effect animations for use in the game. Note that none of these are very fancy or particularly great-- but they're an important part of the game: little visual effects for bullet impacts and such things. Even though they're pretty low-quality since I rushed them, they certainly would have use in pretty much any project.

This .zip file has 6 animations: four impact effects, an exploding egg, and a dig effect that matches the dirt with the crops in the above sheet. The folder includes all of the individual frames as separate .png files-- the filenames should be clear for what they are.

Download: Effect Animations (.zip) 


Okay-- that's a lot!

I hope that this is enough to keep you busy this weekend. Have fun with these.

I'm going to take the weekend to recharge after spending the last two weeks grinding this game jam-- so you can expect the next regular release on Tuesday instead of Monday next week. See you then!






Nice! Thanks for the assets!