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Woah... woah... woah! Here's a big one! 🥳 It's here at last! 

(warning: this post has lots of animated gifs)

🎅 Merry Christmas! 🎅

No need for wordy introductions-- I'll let the visuals to the talking. Here are some preview characters that I made to show off these pieces in action:

A golden hero!

An angel with bunny ears!

A grizzled farmer!

A wild barbarian!

An academic cat-person NPC...

And the demon-warrior...

But remember-- we're not just making normal walking sprites with these. Oh no, the Time Elements set allows for full four-directional action! 

Attack with your sword!

And jump over obstacles!

Okay... now this is what you're waiting for-- here's the downloads:

  • Edit: Beta Links removed -- the full version is available now!

NOTE: Some browsers have a hard time with .zip files. If the download isn't working, make sure to right-click and 'save as', or try a different browser.

ALSO: I've written a bunch of notes into the 'readme' file included in the download. Be sure to scan through that if you have any questions.


EDIT: I uploaded an updated build of the generator software. This fixes the problem with the double-digit files displaying alongside "top1". It's the same link -- I just overwrote "elemgen.zip" so you can download again if you want the updated one.


That's it! It's out-- I managed to get it done before the year is over. This has been a massive long-term project... and to be honest, we're only just beginning. I'm already thinking about the expansion packs... there's more pieces that I couldn't fit into this...

But first, maybe a little break... 😅

I'll be back after Christmas. I hope that this set keeps you busy in the meantime.

🎵 Have a wonderful holiday. 🎵

See you soon!



These are fantastic! Thank you so much! Do you have a guide to which of the raw sections correspond to the animations? I'm trying to match them up in my own animation generator. EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out! For anyone else, the reference image included (rpg_export_quickguide) is the same layout, just wrapped after the 12th sprite.


Quick question: What is the proper layering supposed to be per direction?


Do these fit in well with the Time Fantasy graphics?