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Hello! I have something fun for you today.

Today's release shouldn't be a surprise-- these sprites are designed to go with the Greenhouse Tileset from last week.

Here's a collection of crops that have four stages of growth. It's designed to work for a farming system in your game, either as a side minigame or maybe for a central farm mechanic for a village life sim!

The crops included in this set: strawberry, potato, lettuce/cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, turnip, carrot, corn. There's also some additional extras: five plots of general flowers, roses, and some other little buds. The empty soil space comes with two color varieties (normal soil, and a gray variation for "dry"), and a space with a dead plant.

There's two sets here: one set in the pots from the tileset, and one set that's meant to go into the flowerbeds. The bottom set could also have general use, so you could put them on the ground or in a farm field.

Most of the stuff here is based on the original crop tiles that I made for the Farm and Fort tileset pack. I've updated and edited them to look a little; and of course to make them fit nicely into these greenhouse tiles.


Note that all of these are designed to fit nicely into a single tile space-- this is because I designed this set with gameplay in mind, where a player would be cultivating a garden and access to each crop should be clear...

But-- I've been thinking about making some additional tiles that are designed to be more aesthetic-- normal tileset stuff for the environment. Maybe some variations of these plants and flowers for RPGs that want to use the setting but don't necessarily need tile-based limitations that come from the gameplay mechanics. It could be a lot of fun to go crazy with foliage and really make the greenhouse green. Let me know if you want to see that kind of thing in a future post.

Anyways-- I hope that you can get some good use from today's release!


In other news-- this week is the final stretch of animating assets for the first set of elements characters. Cutting it close-- this first batch definitely isn't going to include everything that I want it to, but I really want to make sure it has enough content to be a worthwhile release -- I might need to make up some time for these, so my next post this week might be a small one... we'll see how it goes.



Cody Smith

These are awesome! I would love to see some fun plants too like aloe vera, Calabash, Kiwano and Luffa. Those could add a lot of fun variety and uniqueness/progression to a game with farming mechanics

Eitan Margalit

I'm not sure I understand your concern. Are you worried that, with this focus on gameplay, the greenhouse looks sparse? And thereby doesn't really function as a standalone setting for narrative purposes? Because I am 100% fine with that.


Yeah, I wanna make some overgrown brush taking over the place, plants that have vines and leaves that spread out beyond the single-tile containers. It just might clash with readability if the greenhouse is used for the purpose growing and harvesting specific crops.