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Hello! I can't believe it's already spook-tober...

Post here with an asset request. I'll fill what I can and release each as I finish them. Each requested asset will be released to the whole patron group.


Because I'm gonna be focused on the new style characters (in addition to the regular Time Fantasy patron releases), there's probably not going to be a spooky Halloween theme this year. Unless you count the layered character pieces as playing dress-up 👹



Last month I had a few progress threads sharing development of the new style and asking for feedback.

Now that the base animations are finished and I'm happy with the sheet layout, this month I'll be moving on to the assets: character sprites, different pieces, weapon and tool overlays etc.

If you have requests or suggestions for assets to be included into the upcoming elements set, then please share them with me here. Particularly I am open to requests for pieces to use for different outfits, hairstyles, etc. Right now I'm planning on basing some pieces on designs from the original Time Fantasy series, but I don't want it to be too derivative, so I also want to include some new stuff.

If you have a character design in mind, then I could work that design into the layered pieces-- etc. Image references welcome and appreciated.


Of course, in addition to the new stuff, the traditional requests are open for our regular releases:

The Usual Suggestions:

  • Requests with likes from other patrons will have priority. The more likes, the higher chance of doing it.
  • Repeats are OK -- if I didn't get to a request from a previous month, feel free to post it again here.
  • Stuff with the most general use will usually be prioritized.
  • Image references are always helpful!
  • Animations should be simple: basic 3-4 frames animations.
  • Start small: I'm not going to have time to create a large tileset for an entire region, but a couple of special objects would be OK.
  • I'll be happy to fulfill Omega Modern style requests in addition to the usual Time Fantasy stuff. Just specify if you're looking for a specific style.
  • Off-style requests will have low priority since it won't be as useful to most people (Time Fantasy is the best bet, Omega Modern is OK too).
  • All patrons will have access to the graphics made from these threads.


Previous request threads:




I'm a new patron so forgive me if I this already exists and I merely overlooked it. I'd love to see a SV battler for the Samurai or Ninja character!


https://www.patreon.com/posts/ninja-sv-battler-19545165 Ninja but I don't think I did the samurai


Are there any base sprites for the beast tribes? I want to make some custom clothing but all of the ones in the commercial pack seem to have clothing.