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Hello, it's the end of another month. Summer's coming to an end-- let's review the productivity and releases from this August.

Patron Club:

Patron Pre-Release:

Lots of good-sized releases this month, with some big trees and that big set of bandit chars. Of course-- the real big release this month is the Animals 2 pack. Now that it's finally out and in release for patrons, I'll be looking to publish it on the web-shops sometime in the next few weeks.

Now... as for what's next:


Time Fantasy:

This summer, I put aside the upcoming Elements style in order to put together the Animals 2 pack. It's difficult for me-- I know that people are excited for the new style (and I am too) -- but at the same time, it's important for me to continue developing and supporting the existing Time Fantasy series; especially since I know that there are projects currently in-development that use the TF stuff, and I don't want to leave them hanging. 

It seems that I keep getting reasons to push back work on Elements in order to keep producing more content in the classic Time Fantasy style. 

You can see how I'm torn... but I can't keep this up forever-- so.... with the Animals 2 pack finally finished, that's it for Time Fantasy pack releases! Done! Time Fantasy is already a really massive set, and at this point it covers everything... right? Time Fantasy is complete!

(...in terms of asset pack releases. Of course, our usual patron additions will continue on schedule. Support will continue for current users in that way. So it's complete, but still alive!)


My Personal Game Project:

At the same time, in my off-time in between creating asset stuff, I've been working on my personal project: I mentioned that my game Jubilee is nearly finished

Like-- really really close to being done. All of the game's content is complete and I just need to do some final touches, some menu stuff, and make a couple of end-credits sequences, and then it'll be a full game. That's exciting for me-- so I'll have a final beta in the next week or two, which hopefully won't need any changes before I can publish it as a finished game.

And once the final-form of Jubilee is out in the world, then that leaves...


Time Elements:

Progress preview threads of the new style from throughout the year: 

I've been promising this one for a long time now, and I've said repeatedly that I'm going to have the first Time Elements character-sprite asset pack released before the end of the year. I'm committed to delivering on that promise.

With all the Time Fantasy packs officially done, and finishing Jubilee this month, then I'll be free to devote serious time to the new style, and turn it into my primary focus (well, secondary-- but that's because the normal patreon releases get the ultimate priority).

It will be nice to finally take Elements out of its previous status of "backburner project with slow occasional progress" and turn it into full main-project "LETS GOOOOOOO" mode.


Let's get pumped up! 

💪💪The last quarter of 2021 is gonna be a big one!!💪💪


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