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Hello! Today I want to share an idea with you, and ask for your thoughts.

Time Fantasy: Animals was one of the first expansion sets that I released years ago. That set revolves around farm animals and forest animals, but nothing very exotic.

I was looking at the recent requests-- and looking through the other additional animals that I've shared here on patreon over the past couple of years-- and it got me thinking about the possibility for Time Fantasy: Animals 2.

If I go ahead with this, it'd cover the themes like: jungle, desert, artic, and ocean-- to provide animal life to match with some of the tileset expansions.

Here's the catch: a lot of these animals have been previously made and released here on patreon. About half of the pack would be made up of sprites that I originally made for patrons.

So I'm asking for your permission to include these sprites in the pack:

These would make up a substantial part of the pack-- it goes beyond just a bonus inclusion or two. So I'm hesitant about this idea for two reasons: 1. this stuff was originally made for patrons, so that's why I'm asking for generally permission from you -- and 2. I feel weird charging new customers for the full pack if they might later join patreon and see that the content is duplicated.

So I would appreciate your honest input on this.

In addition to that, here are some ideas that I have to make new to include in this set (not necessarily promising all of them-- this is the brainstorm list):

  • Elephant (+ Mammoth variation)
  • Rhinoceros
  • Hippo
  • Giraffe
  • Zebra
  • Bison/Buffalo
  • Crocodile
  • Kangaroo
  • Little Lizards
  • Owl
  • Tropical Birds (Toucan, Parrot in multiple color variations)
  • Tropical Fish, Sting Ray, Blowfish
  • Seal, Sea lion
  • Penguin
  • Crab

If you have other suggestions that would fit in well, please share them here!

This is the kind of expansion pack that I think I can jam out pretty quickly once I get into it, especially since I have so many of the animals already finished that I mentioned above. So please let me know what you think about the topics that I've raised here.

Is it a good idea to make Time Fantasy: Animals 2?




Dude, with the amount of quality content you provide, I don't think anyone should be off-put by you doing this. I agree with Dungeonmind, though. Maybe pop a notice or disclaimer on there so you don't get someone buying the pack then realizing they have half the stuff already lol. I know that personally, I bought packs THEN came to patreon and I have no ill feelings towards the money I spent before finding your patreon. I'm happy to throw down support when and where I can.