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Hello! Orc Week continues!

I called yesterday's post "day zero" because of my unfortunate mistake, it didn't really have any new content... Still, throwing away consistency, today's gonna be "day 2" and we'll consider the original orc SV post from 2019 to be "day 1"...

Just roll with it, okay? :P

Anyways, today's post has two more SV battlers for the orc set. These are the third and fourth orc characters from the first sheet of orcs in the Monsters expansion.



Previous Orc SV Battlers:


I'll be back tomorrow with the next SV battler release for ORC WEEK

See you soon!


hvilppu DJV

Yo. I want to make orc walking with the sword animation? How I should edit/combine those sprites?


There is a sword Swinging Base which you can use. You mean for something like an Action rpg correct?