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You have been judged... 

... and found... 


Today's release is based on a very popular patron request.

What's an RPG without a courtroom scene? After all-- our heroes will have no reason to escape through the sewers if they are never sentenced to the dungeons!

The judge has four frames of animation. The first frame is the default frame where he is sitting idle, the other three are the gavel-banging motion and will transition back to the idle frame (as you can see in the gif above).

*If you're using RPG-Maker, rename the sprite sheet with "!$" at the beginning of the filename, so that it will be aligned with the tileset without any offset. To animate the judge in RPG-Maker, you have the event turn to face the different directions. Make sure not to use a stepping animation.

I've also included a small tileset add-on for the judge's bench. Like all my tileset add-ons, it's arranged in a simple grid so it can be easily added to any existing tileset.

Note: The chair in the tileset was copied from the Steampunk pack. It fit just fine, so I figured there was no need to make a new one.



Have a wonderful weekend! See you next week with something new.



Frederic Faddoul

Nice, I wanted a judge, yay! Is there a walking animation for him too?


Yay, thanks for making him! He looks really cool! I am with Fredric, is there any chance for a walking animation for the judge?