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Hello! W-w-woah, more of these... 😖?

Chara8 is the final "chara" set (from the Monsters expansion) that makes up the core of the Time Fantasy character series. I've come back to add this set of minis to round out the complete collection.

Not much else to say about it other than that...



Previous world map mini releases:


I'll be back tomorrow with more minis to finish off the set... that's right-- today's post is another bonus, because I have some more that I'm gonna follow up with. And then we can finally move onto something new... 🤣

See you tomorrow! Thanks!


Adam Phelps

Can someone tell me what pack the full size (not mini) chara1 is part of? I thought I owned all the packs but I don't seem to have that one.

Fasold Games

Really nice, once again. Thanks for your work!


I think it is from the main pack, but only if you bought it using the official RPG Maker store. I think this happens because those chars are inspired on RPG Maker 2003 RTP.