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Hello! Happy Thanksgiving!

(I like the idea of using this guy in-game as a monster encounter....)



I'll be taking the rest of the week off for the holiday, and then I'll be back on Monday with the end-of-month thread. After that, there's only one more month of 2020! (。◕‿‿◕。)

See you then. Thanks!



As a non-'murican I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but cool turkey.


already off again after you took a week off because you released the workbenches in two parts. This month didnt have a lot of content :(


Inaccurate. I didn't take an extra week off because of the workbench: a scheduled post was released early, creating an extra post the week before. I guess I shouldn't do that anymore then, no more early releases. Sorry that you found it confusing. There's been the same amount of content as any other month (8 releases)