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September already! Summer went by quick... 

(well, where I am living, summer never seems to end @_@;;;; another couple months of unbearable heat for me... I miss the snow. ) *ahem* ...anyways...

Post here with an asset request. I'll fill what I can and release each as I finish them. Each requested asset will be released to the whole patron group.


  • Requests with likes from other patrons will have priority. The more likes, the higher chance of doing it.
  • Stuff with the most general use will usually be prioritized. 
  • If I didn't get to a request from a previous month, feel free to post it again here. 
  • Image references are always helpful!
  • Animations should be simple: basic 3-4 frames animations.
  • Start small: I'm not going to have time to create a large tileset for an entire region, but a couple of special objects would be OK.
  • I'll be happy to fulfill Omega Modern style requests in addition to the usual Time Fantasy stuff. Just specify if you're looking for a specific style. 
  • Off-style requests will have low priority since it won't be as useful to most people (Time Fantasy is the best bet, Omega Modern is OK too).
  •  All patrons will have access to the graphics made from these threads.

Note: If you want something exclusive to your project (like a unique hero or whatever), you'll have to message me personally and we can work it out.


Previous request threads:


Ryan Milton

Probably a bit late in the month, but I'd like to put out a request to get the idea out there; faces for the beast tribe heroes.

Michael Renaud

A new Four-dir Attack Base like the ones from last year but for two-handed weapons/mining.