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Hello. I have a small extra release for you today.

Earlier this week I released this Fairy Forest tileset. The set includes two different colors of water: the normal darker blue water found in other sets, and a lighter variation that was new to this set. Some people have asked about a transition autotile so that they can be used together, with the darker blue signifying deeper ocean water.

So I put that together for you today.

I've included links to a regular sheet with full-sized tiles for general use, and also the three usual RPGMaker formats. The RPGMaker ones are are blockier than the general tilesheet, that's to be expected with the limitations of the RPGMaker autotiles. Still, I hope that you find a use for these.



Have a wonderful weekend. I'll be back next week with something new, probably from the request thread. See you then.




I love this! It can take my game and put a completely new dynamic!! Maybe sorry to be asking, the normal grass water borders in time fantasy pack with the light blue water so we can make a transition like this also?? 😳