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Hello, it's the end of another month. Let's review February's productivity!

Patron Club:

Pre-Release Tileset:

This month turned out to be really about those SV battlers. I might continue this into the next month and continue finishing up that sheet of 8 characters-- let me know if that's something you want.

The sewers set is a big one. Easily one the bigger releases that I've had on this patreon. I'm still not sure how I'll work it into a future release-- that's something to worry about after the faces are finished. They are on track for a release soon. My current goal is to have them done for you before the first weekend of next month.

I'll be back on Sunday with the request thread for March. See you then!



Previous Months:



Hi. just because you are asking... I would find cooler to have SV battlers for the ORCS, rather than those sheet-8 charas (we have plenty of humans already).


I'd like you to finish the character sheet (but only because I'd like to use some of them as main characters). Whatever you choose, thanks for everything you've done! Fantastic work!