Faces Update (Patreon)
Hello! Small update today. If you want more new graphics, I'll have that for you in tomorrow's release.
Basically, things are totally on track with the faces. Since I've posted the previous update regarding the faces, I've finished doing the initial drawings of all of them. Right now the next step is to through and polish them all at the pixel level.
This part of the process will be very tedious, but it should be pretty easy to work on this stuff while just listening to podcasts and stuff. I plan to do a lot of this over the course of the next week or two.
So we are on track-- on schedule to have the pack finished and released in the first week or so of next month. I feel good about it this time around.
Anyways -- You want to see a preview, so here a few of the finished faces so far:
Anyways, I'll be back tomorrow with something new. See you then.