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 (UPDATED, see below) Hi, this is a really quick one based a patron idea.

These stairs from the original Japan set were designed to work with the boardwalk/decking, and so I didn't think to make them any taller than one tile. As you can see here:

But in the interest of flexibility and ease-of-use, I just put together a small extended set that will allow you to make taller stairways.

UPDATE: I've added a second set of stairs to the sheet. This set is based on different stairs from the interior tileset, tiles that are designed to tile properly. I've modified this version to match, so if you need tile-able stairs, these are the ones you can use.
Since this was a simple addition, I've just added it to the same sheet and overwritten the files. Download them again to get the new tiles (hard refresh if you need to). Thanks!

This is a small add-on arranged in a regular grid. It can easily be added to any existing tileset. I hope you find this useful.



And I'll end with the same note from the today's earlier post:

 I'd like to be back with one more release this weekend (I want to make some more icons to finish up the big icon set before the year is over! (if you have any more specific ideas or requests for icons, now is the time)) -- but I'm going to be going to my parents house to help them with some work, so we'll see how much time I have. If not this weekend, then I'll definitely be back with some new graphics for you next week. See you then. 




also sorry for being negative, but the tiles don't fully match up.


Yeah, they can't tile properly because they weren't originally designed to be repeated. This is the best we can do without redesigning them completely. It can't be helped. There's another variation on the terrain-layer sheet that is designed to tile repeatedly though. That might work for your needs


yeah, the terrain-layer ones work well, but the stair sides don't look too good repeated.