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Hello. I had a rough day today and wanted to share with you a small update!

I was planning to finish the Time Fantasy Japan set this weekend and put it all together for a release on Halloween next week. It looks like there will be a little delay.

The delay should only be small -- you can expect the set to be finished in the first week of November. Today I want to share with you the reasons why.

 First off-- bad news from today. Human the dog got bit by a copperhead snake

We rushed him to the animal hospital, and he's gonna be OK. They're keeping him overnight and I'll pick him up tomorrow morning. This was very scary!

As you can imagine, I haven't gotten any work done today and its unlikely that I'll do much tomorrow. 

Today's goal was to finish up the interior-objects tilesheet for the Japan set, but I'll probably put that off until Monday.

On top of that-- the set has been expanded a little. I know -- it's not a surprise! LOL, this seems to happen with everything that I make.

I had a lot of really great suggestions and ideas in the discord, so when I was working on the tiles earlier this week I decided to expand the interior objects tilesheet into two sheets: one for regular interior stuff and another for shrine stuff, with statues etc.

Here's a little preview of some of the interior stuff. You can imagine why it would take up a full sheet-- pushing my shrine stuff onto a second sheet to fill!

I hope this little preview is enough to keep you excited -- and to prove to you that I've been working hard on this set. I'm very much looking forward to releasing this when its finished.

I'll be back after the weekend with another update.




This is looking fantastic! Hope your Human has a speedy recovery.


Thankseverybody! He came home today from the hospital and is feeling a lot better. Slept all afternoon! Thanks We'll be back on track with the Japan stuff tomorrow. And I'm hoping to get a halloween release done this week too. See you soon