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Hello! Here's a special update for patrons today!

First up, I have another base for extra Time Fantasy character animations: running.

If you're the kind of person who likes working with the sprites, then this will be a useful base to bring some extra life to your characters. And the ability to dash or run always makes for more interesting gameplay!


Next, here's a base for a jumping animation!

(I've had this one sitting around for a while, so some of you might have seen it before. I don't think that I've released it though, so enjoy!)


I'll be back next week (or maybe sometime over the weekend) with something new from the patron request thread. Stay tuned!



Michael Posada

I wish I had the skills to use these bases and make my own characters. However, I might just make a game called The Naked Man, and have a bunch of awesome features 😋


Thank you kind sir.

Aaron Vond

There's a song about "The Streak" that would go well with that game!