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I wanted to give everyone a quick update on what I'm working on and what I have planned for the near future.

(Sorry the title for these kinds of posts is always boring...)

First off: you've all seen that I'm working hard on a tileset expansion for ships.

I'm more than half-finished with this expansion already: the main ship tileset is more or less done. I want to add a tileset for the ship interior and also for the docks, so that's the next plan for this. I'm want to release this set as soon as I can, and I want to get it finished this week-- so I won't have another patron update this month-- but I'm planning for the ship expansion to be the first release next month, sometime next week!

The ship expansion will also be sold on the regular shops with my other stuff. Probably at the same price point as the other small expansions like the winter tiles.

But there's something else I wanted to talk about today...

The upcoming Mythical Monsters boss sprite expansion! All this month I've been releasing patron-requested monsters that have matched this theme (I have a few other new monsters for it that I haven't released yet!) I've mentioned that I was thinking about compiling them into a pack for release... here's my plan:

The Mythical Monsters pack will be a patron-exclusive pack, like the Lich Crusades. I'll put it up as a free unlock for a tier of patron support (probably $5). The contents of the pack are almost entirely made up of patron requests, so I didn't want to release it as a regular pack for sale-- so a second patron-exclusive pack will be a good way to do it I think.

I'm planning on working on that one over the next month after the ship tiles are done-- and aiming for a release around Halloween (how perfect!) It will also be lined up with the 6-month mark on Patreon! Great time to release a second patron-exclusive pack.

I've put a lot of thought into how I'm going to release these. Let me know what you think.

Of course I'll also be working on regular patron requests in that time, too. Things have slowed down with the animated battlers-- the reason is because they are going to be a central part of an upcoming mega-bundle, and I'll need to have all the regular expansions finished first anyway. The way things are looking now, the ship expansion will probably be the LAST regular Time Fantasy expansion pack. After that, everything will be put together into an ultimate bundle including the animated battlers. I still hope to get that finished before next year.

And in 2018... Time Fantasy goes to the future!

Thanks guys! I'll be back on Friday or Saturday with the monthly review thread.



Can’t wait for the future packs!!

Thomas Stallings

Will there be a different tileset for boat facing different direction ? (Like top to bottom view)


Yes. I'm planning on a horizontal and vertical tileset, and the horizontal one will have a flipped version. (I'm trying to set it up so they use the same object-layer(B) tileset and just have different terrian(A5) sets)